Mister Mumbles & Uncle Vibes - #FUNKOFFNYC 20.02.16
The #FUNKOFF is a ten-round tussle between two jacked-up-on-steroids soul brothers fighting it out for Funk's most prestigious accolade the FUNKCUP.
In the red corner with a rolled-up sock shoved down his shorts is Uncle Vibes and his exquisite taste for 80s boogie. In the blue corner you’ll find Mister Mumbles – thickly bespectacled vinyl nerd and Funkenskatt creator,
The show is broken down into 10 rounds with each being set amongst an outlandish yet banter led scenario, whereby each DJ has to play the Funkiest and most suitable tune as per the scenario with a judge / crowd then deciding which tune is funkiest and most relevant thereby awarding a DJ the round.
From its humble beginnings on K2K Radio the #FUNKOFF has grown into a live event and has Funked up venues and festivals including The Hospital Club, Shoreditch House, Soho House in NYC on 2 occasions and Secret Garden Party.
Summer 2016 saw the #FUNKOFF cross both sides of the atlantic culminating with a 4th July showdown at New York City's Soho House. The #FUNKOFF returns to the airwaves on 30th October.